Starting in the late 2500s, humans began contact with the first alien species we would know: the Ullusitans (please note that this is the human-created name for them, we don't know their actual species name). About only 10 light years away, their planet, Ullusa, is known for its deep, blue oceans that surorund the whole planet, not even a speck of land is located anywhere on this small yet mighty planet. As hope would have it, however, Ullusa has rather intelligent life-forms inhabiting it that had previously built technology that surpasses even our own! Funnily enough, we were not the ones to contact them first. Rather, we were first contacted by the Ullusitans through their amazing technology. According to scientists, we were first contacted due to the Ullusitans worries of our "dying planet." It was from there we learnt that their planet is supposedly one of the many factions of the Universal Protection Organization (once again, human-made name), or the UPO for short, whose purpose is to oversee life on different planets, keeping them in check for their protection.
Now in contact with one alien species, we were able to copy the Ullusitans technology for contacting other life-forms to use as our own. With their technology on our side, we got in contact with the second known alien species outside our own: the Basugs. Their planet resides nearly 20 light years away, double the years of Ullusa's! The planet, Basug, is known for its rather unhabitable land. Surprisingly enough, however, there happens to be life-forms